Take care to be safe in the work

发布时间:2017-9-11 8:22:52  信息来源:本站    浏览次数:860

     The security work, the campaign is durable, the responsibility is significant, rooted in the heart of every security manager. Safety is the life of the  enterprise, not only related to the enterprise can live for a long time but also actually exist in the ourselves..Safety and quality are an organic whole, and cannot be measured separately from one another. Security accidents frequently occur, and the quality problems can occur at a certain time.

     From the security accidents in the past half year,it is anxious for the scene of injerd. If you are a relative of your own, would you be so kind to yourself? One day in April, 2017, an employee  suddenly had an accident in the operating station. The alcohol in front of the station was burning, causing burns to the face of the worker who operated the station. Fortunately, the nearby colleagues came to help, effectively  controling the incident and avoiding more serious injuries.
After the incident, we went to the hospital to learn about the injury, and his cheeks and forehead were scalded, so it is sad for the people present.Not to mention the person who should be responsible for the acciden,would you touched by seeing the scene, Are you upset and ashamed to be a security manager?

     There is a good saying: turning a blind eye to a violation is an indulgence, and a good deal of trouble can cause an accident to be near a foot.

     For the new employees, their perception of danger is very thin while enteingr the postion, It is necessary to undergo early safety training to enhance the awareness of safety and self-protection. Training in quality and safety operation procedures prior to work, so that the new employees have certain security capability to reduce the chance of illegal operation, Thus, the number of accidents at source is controled.

     Safety devices also play an integral role in the operation of equipment, If the safety protection device for dangerous equipment is not strengthened, the risk factor will be expanded and expose employees to dangerous situations. However, the old staff who are skilled and experienced are easy to get into the psychology of empirical fluke, used to violate the rules. Being a security manager, if you turn a blind eye to these phenomena, is conniving, pushing employees to the brink of danger.

     Look closely at accidents in safe production, either from the perspective of the universal truth or objective reason comes down, the root-reason are as following: production safety responsibility did not fulfil, safety management is in confusion the safety problem is not solved for a long time, safe work cannot be carried out smoothly, When the hidden danger expands into an accident, it will be too late to repent, causing great economic losses and casualties

     In mid-may 2017, our company's safety production department led the company's security council to conduct the second quarter security situation meeting, The event was reported to be a safety accident in January to may, and the number of accidents that occurred during the same period of last year was not lower than that of the same period last year, The security situation is not optimistic, and the grim security situation makes people sensitive, If no action is taken, the consequences of its development will be unimaginable.

     By analyzing the causes of these safety accidents, most of them are weak employees' safety awareness, multiple habitual violation operation, equipment spot inspection is not strictly enforced. The occurrence of these accidents not only caused great harm to employees but also caused great economic losses to enterprises.Therefore, training and education in safty need to be strengthened and penalties for violations should be increased to prevent paralysis and fluke employees.On the other hand, the management department has the unshirkable responsibility of management, ignoring the importance of education and correctly guiding employees in the formal procedure, so that some accidents are frequent.

     At the meeting, company leader xiang mingsheng general manager, xia secretary, security chief Chen vice President are in heavy mood after listened to the safety accident statistics report. They made several demands on the future security work:Firstly, each department must pay attention to safety ,carry out the safety responsibility system and strengthen staff pre-job safety training, safety management responsibility must be implement to each workshop - the section -class - personnel, achieve a safe environment.Secondly, the head of each unit must strengthen security check work, once discover security hidden danger, make a rectification immediately.Thirdly, strengthen the function of the safety protection device, rectify the failure of the protection device in time, eliminate the hidden trouble in time.Fourthly, we can't improve productivity by sacrificing safety.It is absolutely undesirable to sacrifice the security environment to improve efficiency.The last, safety department should arouse the attention and intensify the punishment for illegal actions.

     Dangerous work (lifting, high work, fire, restricted space etc.) shall be reported to the safety production department in advance, and safety precautions shall be formulated in advance, If the third party is responsible, it must sign the safety management agreement and the security notification form with the foreign entity (the site operator's signature).In the absence of a security agreement, the responsible person will be penalized and the operation will be stopped immediately. In the light of the summer heat, the unexpected events in the factory are easy to happen, and the special equipment and facilities for the summer are arranged, and the safety hazards of wire lines are arranged to check the hidden dangers to reduce the probability of an accident to a minimum.

     Summer safety points are fire prevention, heat prevention and dryness. For summer electricity safety, our company's security management department is specialized in the production of electrical wiring, electrical equipment and distribution boxes in the factory, The problem points that be checked out are rectified.Cut off the hazards at the source.

     Security requires not only compliance with safety rules and regulations, but also fundamental change in consciousness that must be made on education. It is necessary for the safety manager to be cautious to keep in mind that there are no small things in safety,  detect the hidden dangers from the subtle, so as to reduce the probability of accidents.

     Let us all work together to build a safe environment.


                                                                                                                            Integrated manager office:He haiyan

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